Voice over
Voice Over
Voice over is a production technique where a voice is recorded for off-screen. While prominently used to reference movies and television, voice over can also be used for telephone services, along with other information.
The world of voice overs that we know and love today further evolved and refined itself by the time of the 1960s and ‘70s. While movies were still using them, as was the radio, you could now come across VO on TV. Voice over examples here mostly included commercials, but it could be found on regular programs, as well, especially the news.
Movie trailers were extremely widespread by this point; that includes TV advertising of the latest motion pictures. Voice overs got a huge boost in this area, as they became very famous and well-known in pop culture. The video below highlights one of contemporary cinema’s most recognizable voice over examples: Red Pepper.
Your video will require creativity and precision as well as work delivered to the highest of standards. Therefore, understanding exactly why you should hire a voice-over professional will make it easier to determine the best voice over professional for your project.
what is the purpose of vos in a commercial?
The voice you hear is an important element of any commercial as it conveys the tone of the brand and provides information about a product or service. Depending on the target demographic and market, the voice may sound like an informed professional, the guy next door, or perhaps an expert or a scholar on a specific subject. The voice professional is selected specifically to reach the target audience most likely to be interested in the products in the product or service. However, it is not just the accent or tone that matters. Slight nuances such as the rate of speech changes based on the target audience as well. A slower rate of speaking is sometimes used to convey more dramatic and intimate emotion or when discussing complex topics while faster, more enthusiastic voices are associated with creating a sense of urgency or selling to a younger audience. Knowing how to properly match speech matters, cadence, and tone consistently is an important aspect when it comes to voice overs. This also gives the voice over actor the opportunity to add their own unique touch, helping a create a memorable and distinct voice for your brand that leaves a lasting impression.
Why Choose RTL?
Of course, if you want high quality then you will have to pay for it. That is the case in many industries but we at RTL have the aim of making our service quick, professional and affordable. We will price our service competitively and will, therefore, do all we can to meet your budget, offering great value for money. In fact, many pride ourselves on delivering a first-class voice over service for a great price.
We Meet Every Need
We cover a number of different subjects which requires a voice-over professional who is versatile and diverse. A professional will be able to undertake a number of different projects which means taking on yours will come easy to them. We have experience of working on tutorials, corporate videos, marketing videos, and even educational videos. Whatever it may be, we will be able to add the personality and character to your video that you desire.
It is clear that a voice over professional can benefit your project and enhance your video. If you want your video to succeed and deliver a message in a way that your audience can relate to, then you will need to use our service where we have a true professional.
Our expertise and experience will make it possible for you to work closely with us while also making it possible to give us indications and ideas what you want us to deliver. Identifying a voice-over professional who has the experience and positive feedback is key to understanding what we can do for you.
The voice over service can help you reach your target audience easily by offering services as a voice for ad commercials, e-learning courses and explainer videos, among others. To get the most out of it, you need to hire your voice over services from an established agency like RTL’s voice over service or any other reputable agency in the market.